Hi-Speed IT manager commits a year to get fit for charity

Hi-Speed IT manager commits a year to get fit for charity

An IT manager who has been diagnosed with a pre-cancerous condition is raising money and awareness to help others.

John Hockerday, who works for Guildford-based Hi-Speed Services, was recently diagnosed with MGUS, which can develop into multiple myeloma, better known as blood cancer. John has embarked on a year-long campaign to raise awareness of both conditions and raise money for two charities; Myeloma UK and Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice.

“I wanted to be fit and healthy just in case I do have to undergo any treatments,” said John, “I challenged myself to take on a running event each month I’ve already done a half marathon with Hi Speed, a 10k run, and I’m doing a Tough Mudder next month.

John has set up a website, Run for MGUS, which you can find here.

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